Sweet Treats

Apple and Cinnamon Custard Tarts

Written by Karen Coakley

dav vivi

I grew up on an old street in Bantry. It was a safe place to be as child, you felt a part of something and that you belonged. I’ve so many wonderful memories of people and things that made this home.

As a little girl my bedroom window over looked an orchard at the top of the laneway that led to our road. I was always fascinated by the colour of the apples, the burst of hue that would appear just as summer had passed. I never had the courage to climb the high wall and take some apples like others did but there were always some windfalls that lay on the laneway and these we would carefully carry home for my mom to make into Apple Tart.

Warm Apple Tart fresh from the oven with freshly whipped cream or silky warm custard is still one of my favourite things to this day and this recipe is a variation of Donal Skeahans Apple Tart that I’ve been asked to recreate for Pink Lady® Apples. These individual tarts don’t take long to cook so the Pink Lady® Apples retain their shape and all of that unique texture that they’re renowned for.

The custard is really simple to make and with the cinnamon it’s the perfect partner for these sweet Pink Lady® Apples. 
You can find out more about Pink Lady® Apples on their website www.apple-pinklady.com

Now as well as that tasty recipe I also have some good news for you. Pink Lady are running a competition with an amazing prize at the moment. All you have to do is go to http://www.castingpinkcooks.com.
Register and share your favourite Pink Lady® Apple recipe with your own story and you could win the chance to

1) have your photograph taken with your recipe by a Professional Photographer.
2) Have your recipe featured in future packs of Pink Lady® Apples
3) Win trip to France for 2 people to take part in a Banquet in a French Orchard,
full details are on http://www.castingpinkcooks.com

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I have enjoyed the challenge to make it.



  1. Place all the ingredients for the pastry into a food processor and pulse it until it forms a dough. Place it onto a floured work surface and knead it gently until it comes together. Shape it into a round and chill for an hour.
  2. After an hour place the pastry onto a floured work surface and roll it out so that it’s big enough to line the 4 pastry cases. Line each case with pastry, prick the pastry with a fork and bake blind at 180 degrees for 10mins. Turn the oven up to 200 degrees once they’re out.
  3. Whisk the egg and Caster sugar well before adding in the flour, cinnamon and cream, giving it a gentle whisk to combine.
  4. Place the apple quarters, 1 in each party case with skin side up. Pour over the custard and bake in the oven for 15mins.
  5. Enjoy with fresh whipped cream or homemade custard.
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