
Chicken Chassuer

Written by Karen Coakley

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This has been one of the most popular recipes on the Meal Plans in my 4 Week Online Home Cooking Groups. ( My November Home Cooking Group starts next Monday Nov 1st and runs Via Whatsapp which makes it very user friendy. And as it is the run up to Christmas as well as your 4 weekly Meal Plans I’ll be concentrating on getting you ready for Christmas. Email me your phone number on kenmarefoodietours@gmail.com if you’d like to book a spot. It’s 65 euro for 4 weeks)

It’s a very simple classic that makes us of few ingredients and my Group members go back to it again and again.

Chicken thighs are so economical and work much better than fillets in this as I find fillets dry out. Coating them in flour and cooking until golden makes them ultra delicious. 



  1. Heat a shallow pan or a frying pan , add some oil and a little knob of butter then gently sweat the onions, mushrooms and garlic for 10 mins.
  2. Remove the vegetables from the pan, toss the chicken thighs in the flour which you’ve seasoned with salt and pepper and fry in batches in the pan until golden on the outside.
  3. Once all the chicken is browned remove it to a plate, turn up the heat and pour in the wine making sure to scrape all the sediments from the bottom of the pot to get all the flavours into the sauce. Let the wine reduce down by half and then add the chicken and vegetables back in.
  4. Pour in the chicken stock, add in the tomato puree, thyme and seasoning.
  5. Pop into a preheated oven 150 degrees for approx 1 hr , by which stage the sauce should have thickened nicely.
  6. I served mine with panfried Gnocchi and Green Beans
  7. Dig in and enjoy.

If you enjoyed reading this recipe pop on over to my instagram https://www.instagram.com/kenmarefoodie/ where I have a step by step recipe video posted to my grid.

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