
Pumpkin Roast Garlic and Sage Soup

Written by Karen Coakley

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Soup is one of my favorite things in the world and I have a great big bowl of it almost every day for my lunch.

I love having soup ready for when the boys come in from school ravenous as they do. It’s enough to take the edge off their hunger without killing their dinner appetite. 

Served with a slice of homemade Brown Soda Bread there’s also the guarantee of something wholesome and nourishing.

This Halloween I’ve teamed up with Knorr to create 2 recipes to help you use up your Pumpkins. Not only is Pumpkin good for carving but they’re also a wonderful vegetable that is in season right now.

Unfortunately 28% of all of you who buy pumpkins this week will dump it in the bin so this very simple and quick Pumpkin, Roast Garlic and Sage Soup will help ensure that you cut down on that food waste.



  1. Heat a saucepan and add the oil. When it’s hot tip in the pumpkin and garlic, give a stir before seasoning then put the lid on and let it sweat for 10 mins.
  2. After 10 mins squeeze the roast garlic out of its skin and add it to the Pumpkin along with the sage the pour in the hot Knorr chicken stock and allow to simmer before blitzing with a soup gun or blend in a liquidiser.
  3. Serve in warmed soup bowl since topped with a dollop of creme fraiche.
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